What is the story behind the WeHero Logo?
As WeHero continues to be introduced to the world, more and more people are naturally asking about the meaning behind the logo. In this post, we’ll take you through the design thinking that took place to make the logo we’re trying to spread far and wide.
Symbolize Connection
We live in a connected world. A world where we can now share experiences with each other. Share our cultures, traditions and lifestyles. We can also share our problems, struggles, and disasters. Today, we live in a world where people are more willing to give than ever before. It’s beautiful. The feeling of giving is like no other. Now we just need to connect it all together, empowering the world to change the world. The logo was designed to lightly show separation, symbolizing different cultures and regions around the world. The lines then come back together to show how the separation comes back to connectedness.
Calm Color
The color palette chosen for the logo was selected to present calm along with color selections that represent a healthy planet. This why you see light greens and blues throughout everything we do.
This was challenging. How do we visualize what we see as a global heartbeat and present it with energy? This is why you see the flow of the connected lines in the shape of a pulse. One connected world. One flowing energy. One heartbeat.
Now you know the story of the logo and what it symbolizes. We really hope you like it and see it around. We’re also slowly launching more WeHero branded gear if you’re interested in supporting our mission! Stay tuned for more on the WeHero journey and where the company is going in the near future.
Team WeHero